Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Face It?

In all its beauty, and all its pain
Noah captured them,
A step at a time he took
And he caught one and one more,
In the flooding rain.

He walked past the Reaper
And he caught him.
He walked past the Twisted
Retracing, he caught them all.

He walked past the Mindless
And he caught her.
He walked past the Sins,
He wedded them,
And kept them for us.

He walked past the Angry,
And closed them in one room
He walked past us all
To be caught, flies to glue.

The Timid, the Wasted, and it all.

But when he crossed the Soul,
He waved and he walked past.

Now, here we are.

The Timid, The Wasted and it all.

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